Pilgrims of Hope
24 Hours For The Lord
(Psalm 71:5)
In this Jubilee Year of 2025, Lent 2025 will be a privileged moment to celebrate and experience God’s mercy as “Pilgrims of Hope.”
During this Jubilee year there will be pilgrimages and other opportunities to express our pilgrim hope. The Jubilee Hymn “Pilgrims of Hope” (Track 12) and the Wollongong Diocesan Hymn “Hope in the Holy One” (Track 15) help build our joyful unity as we journey through the year.
Parish and school communities are invited to celebrate a 24 hour period of Eucharistic adoration designated 24 Hours For The Lord (24HFTL). The Adoration should include an overnight vigil and conclude with Benediction.
The Liturgy Outlines and Resources prepared here are based on the 24 Hours for the Lord liturgies and resources prepared by the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong in 2016 for Pope Francis’ Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. For further reference, please download this year’s 24 Hours for the Lord Handbook from the Vatican.
Suggested Liturgy Outlines and Resources
Communal liturgical celebrations afford us wonderful opportunities to focus on our relationships with God and with each other. The following celebration outlines and the accompanying 24 Hours For The Lord MP3 playlist recorded by the Diocese of Wollongong are intended to provide a ready means of including songs and responsorial psalms in these celebrations. In an extended period of adoration and overnight vigil it helps to have recorded music that can be played at appropriate times, breaking the periods of silence. At other times it may be helpful to have singers and musicians play and sing the suggested hymns and psalms.
The Liturgical Song Suggestions for 24 Hours for the Lord offer a wide range of possible resources for different psalm settings and hymns for musicians. The recordings in the MP3 playlist are of the Liturgical Song compositions by Paul Mason and specific compositions for this year's Jubilee by Timothy Hart (Hope in the Holy One) and the Vatican (Pilgrims of Hope).
Small Group Lenten Reflections
Parish and school communities are invited to gather in small groups and reflect on “Metanoia”, the Diocese of Wollongong’s Lenten Program for 2025.
Resources - MP3 Recordings
Track 1 - Patient Gardener (Merciful Love).mp3
Track 2a - Let us go rejoicing_vv 1 and 2.mp3
Track 3 - Be Merciful O Lord.mp3
Track 5 - Lord Let Your Mercy Be On Us.mp3
Track 6 - Lord You Have the Words.mp3
Track 7 - If Today You Hear His Voice.mp3
Track 9 - With The Lord There Is Mercy.mp3
Track 10 - All the ends of the earth.mp3
Track 11 - The Lord is My Shepherd.mp3
Track 12 - Pilgrims of Hope.mp3
Track 13 - Faithful Father (Merciful Love).mp3
Track 15 - Hope In The Holy One.mp3
Track 16 - I will sing of your salvation.mp3
Resources - Liturgy Outlines
Friday Prayer During the Day (Divine Office - Terce, Sext, None)
Reconciliation of Several Penitents (2nd Rite of Penance)
24 Hours For The Lord (Worship of the Eucharist Outside of Mass - Adoration, Benediction)