“... (Mass of Glory and Praise) is a refreshing, ‘upbeat’ new Mass setting …” “… a strong contemporary style that appreciates the beauty and grace of both music and song within the liturgy.”
Angela Bendotti, Pastoral Liturgy, November 2005
"Psalms for All Time, particularly the responses, can be sung after only one or perhaps two rehearsals. The melodies are rich, contemporary, simple and beautiful - always appropriate in style to the text."
Angela Gorman, Pastoral Liturgy, November 2010
"(Mass of Glory and Praise) has a ‘rock’ feel featuring an interplay of vocal and instrumental parts." "The music has energy, driven by the use of syncopation and instrumental interplay."
Cathy Murrowood, Rite Notes, December 2010
"I think Power of the Spirit is superb entrance, recessional, Easter, Pentecost song that will be around long after the Plenary. Since “Shout to the Lord”
is not One License, this might be the replacement we need."
Geoffrey Madden, Six Maddens Blog Posted on October 14, 2018
"The beautiful arrangement (of the "Power of the Spirit" CD recording) is extraordinary, but I suspect this is actually a P&W classic. You could go
somewhat ballistic on the crescendo into the refrain I suspect."
Geoffrey Madden, Six Maddens Blog Posted on October 14, 2018
"We will be singing the whole of Paul Mason’s setting of Ps115 on Holy Thursday night. It is from his “Psalms for All Time.” The octave leap in the verse should wake us all up."
Geoffrey Madden, Six Maddens Blog Posted on April 15, 2014
"(Power of the Spirit) is a great song from Paul Mason. Whatever you think of the chances the upcoming Plenary in 2020 of actually changing ... the Catholic Church, one good thing has already come of it."
Geoffrey Madden, Six Maddens Blog Posted on October 14, 2018
"Of the six recommended mass settings from the Australian Bishops (Mass of Glory and Praise) stands out as being suitable for regular parishes with ordinary musicians and also being interesting."
Geoffrey Madden, SixMaddens Blog, February 2011
"Mass Shalom is one of the three singable masses of the six suggested by the Australian Bishops and if we do that then we will be singing all of them – Glory and Praise, Mass of St Francis and Shalom."
Geoffrey Madden, SixMaddens Blog, August 2016
"... The slides are professionally produced, easily accessed and clear, thus guiding and encouraging the community to, firstly, learn the melody, and then be able to confidently join in singing with the community."
P Clare Koch rsj, St Joseph's Neutral Bay, October 2021
" ... The Projection slides are a great asset and resource for our weekly celebration of the Eucharist, enhancing our experience and the prayer of the community, and I recommend them highly."
P Clare Koch rsj, St Joseph's, Neutral Bay
2025 Jubilee "Pilgrims of Hope": 24 Hours for the Lord
2025 Jubilee "Pilgrims of Hope": 24 Hours for the Lord