Our popular Liturgical Song Suggestions help parishes choose beautiful music that is relevant for each particular Sunday of the year, inviting prayerful participation in the liturgy. Suggestions feature songs from Catholic Worship Book II, As One Voice and Gather Australia hymnals as well as hymns, songs, psalms and Mass settings available from our Liturgical Song Shop, more than 1,700 of the most popular liturgical songs. Here is the Repertoire List.
NEW in 2024! Index Date now has links to featured psalm resources
Each Music Recommendations PDF download now includes on the cover page a featured Responsorial Psalm from the Psalms For All Time collections. For example (PAT2-25a), which is short hand for Psalms for All Time Volume 2 setting index number 25a.
Liturgical Song's Universal Gospel Verse number is also now indicated on the cover page of each Music Recommendations PDF download. For example (GA-63), which is short hand for Verse #63 as set in five popular Alleluia Acclamations and five popular Lenten Gospel Acclamations in Liturgical Song's Gospel Acclamations (GA) collection.
Click on the Index Date in the table of Liturgical Song Selections below to access Resources, including recordings and rehearsal tracks for the featured Responsorial Psalm recommendation for each particular week.
Links to Other Resources
Audio tracks, Single Psalm Sheet Music Downloads and Single Song Sheet Music Downloads are available for listening and viewing some of the recommended Liturgical Song Hymns and Psalms.
Liturgical Song Suggestions
1. How do I use the Liturgical Song Suggestions Downloads?
Guidelines for Using the Liturgical Song Suggestions
The Liturgical Song Suggestions are presented as a resource to help parish and school music ministry teams select repertoire for each Sunday Mass that is appropriate to the day, feast or season. It is also hoped these Liturgical Song Suggestions may help develop over time a common Core Repertoire of music across parishes. Your feedback, including suggested additions and deletions to the common Core Repertoire, would be most appreciated.
For each Sunday or Feast there is a summary of the texts of the day and a table of suggested songs, settings of the Mass parts and recommended Responsorial Psalms, including common seasonal psalms.
The summary of the texts includes the Entrance and Communion antiphons, the Scripture references, the Psalm response and the Gospel acclamation for the particular day.
The suggestions made here are updates to the suggestions previously made by Paul Mason on the Wollongong Diocesan Liturgy Handbook website ( In order to provide for ongoing updates and maintenance of the suggestions after Paul's retirement from the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong, the Diocese has graciously provided Liturgical Song with the original intellectual property on the condition that the suggestions be updated and maintained and made available to the Diocese by way of a link.
The table includes columns for the major parts of the Mass – Entrance, Penitential Act, Glory to God, Responsorial Psalm, Gospel Acclamation, Offertory, Holy Holy Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Amen, Our Father, Lamb of God, Communion, Song of Praise after Communion, and Sending Forth (Recessional). These columns contain check-boxes indicating which particular songs are recommended for each of these parts.
The recommendations are based on the appropriateness of the song to the texts of the day, feast or season, as well as the appropriateness to the part of the Mass as detailed in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. Significant citations or references to the day's texts are indicated by an asterisk (*). Where songs have particular relevance to one or more of the day's texts, these are indicated in the Relevance column.
The table provides the recommended song titles with references to hymnal numbers or other musician resources in which the song is found. Each song in the table includes an indication of whether it is in the Public Domain (P), whether it is covered by One License copyright licenses (L), and whether it is covered by CCLI copyright licenses (C). Sometimes a song is listed with multiple copyright licenses. This occurs when (1) there is a public domain edition, (2) there are other editions covered by One License with altered texts or alternate music arrangements, (3) there are other editions covered by CCLI with altered texts or alternate music arrangements.Refer to the music edition being used to determine which license is applicable.
Liturgical Song Suggestions by Date
Index Date Suggestions