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The Beauty that Invites Prayer


Discovering the Power of Liturgical Song

A liturgical song is a song that is integral to the liturgy, having the same purpose as the liturgy - giving glory to God and making us ever more holy in the Body of Christ. This part of the website provides information about the nature of liturgical song. It explores the genres of songs used in the liturgy, and the key principles concerning the use of music and singing in the various parts of the liturgy.

Three principles help us to choose music for liturgical songs - liturgical holiness, musical beauty and pastoral universality. Liturgical songs are a part of our memories and part of our way of life. Liturgical songs draw us into the experience of the joy and beauty of the great mystery being celebrated in the liturgy, especially the Eucharist. In this way, Christ transforms our hearts and minds.

This section will grow and develop over coming months.