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The Beauty that Invites Prayer


NEWS: National Conference "Mystery & Mission", Brisbane, September 2023


Liturgical Song is a Silver Sponsor of the Mystery & Mission National Conference to be held in Brisbane in September. The conference celebrates 60 year anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. Registrations are now open.

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ANNOUNCEMENT: New Roger Heagney Mass Setting

By Paul Mason

Liturgical Song is pleased to announce a new Mass setting from Roger Heagney "Mass of Our Lady of Good Counsel." Commissioned by the Diocese of Sandhurst, the setting is designed for parish use with additional instruments for use in the Cathedral setting.

The Full Music Edition is now available as a

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Liturgical Song Suggestions for 2023

By Paul Mason

The Liturgical Song Suggestions for Ordinary Time, January - March 2023, are now available for download.

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Liturgical Song Suggestions for Easter Season

By Paul Mason

The Liturgical Song Suggestions for Easter Season, April - June 2022, are now available for download.

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Liturgical Song Suggestions Updates


Our Liturgical Song Suggestions have been further updated to include all Lent, Holy Week and Easter liturgies. The Year A Reading suggestions for the third, fourth and fifth Sundays of Lent are also available (from 2020) for parishes where there are catechumens being prepared during Lent for Christian initiation at

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Profiles in Catholicism interviews Paul Mason


Gordon Nary of Profiles in Catholicism recently interviewed Paul Mason. The interview is in the February edition of Profiles in Catholicism, which has a focus on Music and Faith. The interview explores Paul's background, leading him to establish the Liturgical Song publishing business in 2016. Click on the following link

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NEW! My Account Features

By Paul Mason

With the recent migration of our website to Treepl CMS, the My Account area of the website has been improved. It now contains sections for Order History and Account Details and records your Wishlist of product Likes. You can change your contact and delivery address details and also change your

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NEWS: Liturgical Song Suggestions Until January 2022


Our popular Liturgical Song Suggestions have recently been updated through to January 2022.

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Data Projection Resources Now Available

By Paul Mason

Liturgical Song is please to announce its initial release of data projection resources to support assembly participation in singing the Mass. The resources use the same consistent professional slide layout used in Network TEN's Mass For You At Home, and in parish and diocesan Masses around Sydney and Wollongong over

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NEWS: Liturgical Song Features in the Plenary Council Masses


This week the Catholic Church in Australia has marked an important milestone in its development and growth - the First Session of the 2020 Plenary Council. The Final Session will be held in Sydney in 9 months time.

The Plenary Council seeks to renew the Australian Church in the way

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