It's a pleasure to welcome you to Liturgical Song, a new publisher of Australian sacred music launched in 2016.
Aims and Objectives
Liturgical Song features the catalogue of contemporary musical settings of the Mass, "psalm-tune" settings of the responsorial psalms, and various other hymns and songs for liturgy composed by Paul Mason, Roger Heagney, Anne Millard, Fiona Dyball, Marie-Louise and Mana Nankivell.
Liturgical Song is looking to broaden collaboration with other composers, publishers and recording artists, as well as partnering with retailers and agencies, to be bring the best of Australian liturgical music delivered in spiral-bound books, CDs, ebooks, digital downloads and MP3 playlists for all those involved in music in liturgy - assemblies, musicians, accompanists, choirs and conductors.
Our objective is to significantly improve the available resources and support to pastoral musicians in Australia, New Zealand and beyond.
New Website
This new website provides easy access to our core focus areas for pastoral musicians in parishes and schools:
The priority for the redevelopment of the liturgicalsong.com website has focused on providing a much improved shopping experience (Shop). The other areas (Learn and Plan) are being continuously redeveloped to update the information provided, taking advantage of insights into the revised General Instruction of the Roman Missal (2010), the new Catholic Worship Book II hymnal (2016), recent research on Musicam Sacram (Vatican II's Instruction on Music in the Liturgy) and support for current focus areas such as the 2025 Jubilee Year Pilgrims of Hope.
In September 2021 the website was migrated from the Adobe Business Catalyst CMS to the WebInOne CMS to improve customer experience and provide a long-term foundation for the Liturgical Song on-line business.
More Information
For more information about Liturgical Song, its offerings and experience, go to About Us.